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Our goal is to give our students everything they need for success. To ensure this happens we offer multiple opportunities to the children we serve. We have weekly tutoring/mentoring at our afterschool program called H.A.N.G. It gives us the ability to be on-site at student's schools to help with whatever they need school wise. It could be homework help, a study buddy, or just someone to hang out with. Another service we offer is snack packs for the students to take home. Some children only eat the meals provided by the school. Our goal is to bridge that hunger gap over the weekend until they make it back to school. These packs are no cook items that are easily accessible to our kids. 

We aren't limited to just those services though. When our students need clothing we answer the call! We invite them to our resale shop to make sure they are covered free of charge. Shoes on your feet is a must, and we supply them with those as well. The best thing about The TREE is that we will help them with anything we can! 

Shoot us an email to find out how you can help the children in our service area!



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